Connect to a group or table!
GROW Groups are co-ed groups that you form with friends, coworkers, neighbors, relatives, etc. and follow the curriculum provided here! It's as simple as:
G- Grab the materials
R- Recruit a friend
O- Open your calendar
W- Walk with each other
Each week there will be a video and accompanying discussion guide. Looking to start or join a group? There are several ways to do that! We recommend starting by joining a serve team or attending a quarterly gather event. All necessary materials are provided below!
Tables are men's/women's specific groups where you can connect relationally and grow spiritually. Tables take place once a week for one hour. We gather in public spaces and engage in each other's stories, exploring God's word. Each table begins with conversation & prayer, then we read a chapter of the Bible out loud and complete a journal entry in SOAP format:
S- Scripture
O- Observation
A- Application
P- Prayer
We then share our SOAPs and then answer a "God question." Because we know that your time is valuable, we commit to starting and ending tables on time.
Click below to learn more!