Connect to a group or table!
GROW Groups are co-ed groups that you form with friends, coworkers, neighbors, relatives, etc. and follow the curriculum provided here! It's as simple as:
G- Grab the materials
R- Recruit a friend
O- Open your calendar
W- Walk with each other
Each week there will be a video and accompanying discussion guide. Looking to start or join a group? There are several ways to do that! We recommend starting by joining a serve team or attending a quarterly gather event. All necessary materials are provided below!
Tables are men's/women's specific groups where you can connect relationally and grow spiritually. Tables take place once a week for one hour. We gather in public spaces and engage in each other's stories, exploring God's word. Each table begins with conversation & prayer, then we read a chapter of the Bible out loud and complete a journal entry in SOAP format:
S- Scripture
O- Observation
A- Application
P- Prayer
We then share our SOAPs and then answer a "God question." Because we know that your time is valuable, we commit to starting and ending tables on time.
Click below to learn more!

2022 Grow Groups
2022 Grow Groups

Grow Groups - Launch Week 1

Grow Groups - Launch Week 2